Dowell Family Wellness


  • Christopher Dowell, DC aka "Dr Rick"

    “I just want them to stop.”

    Those were the words Dr. Rick Dowell told his mother over and over. For years and years. “Them” were the debilitating migraines that he’d suffered from for as long as he could remember. From endocrinologist to general practitioner. From neurologist to allergist. No one had an answer as to the CAUSE of his migraines. And so he suffered.

    Until one day in college, Dr. Rick had to take his roommate to the chiropractor. Being a pre-med major, Dr. Rick had some preconceived notions of chiropracTORS and chiropracTIC. But Dr. Simmons opened his eyes about the science. And…along with the enticement of a bet…helped Dr. Rick get rid of his lifelong migraines in only 2 weeks!!!

    “I always say that chiropractic picked me…I didn’t pick chiropractic.” said Dr. Rick, “I had the same misgivings and skepticism as a lot of my patients. But when Dr. Simmons was able to end my suffering…and I learned about all the ways chiropractic can be the foundation of a healthy lifestyle….I knew it was the perfect career for me. And I was right.”

    A Tar Heel born and a Tar Heel bred, Dr. Rick recently moved back to the Atlanta area in 2012 after practicing in Austin, Tx for over 10 yrs. His relentless desire to help his community fueled him to open Dowell Family Wellness in April of 2015.

    Dr. Rick has been privileged to work with several professional athletes, expecting mothers, children, grandparents and everyone in between. You can regularly find him at various community health fairs, conducting ergonomics seminars for Fortune 500 companies, educating graduating nursing students about back safety and guiding his community towards a healthier lifestyle, naturally.

  • Theresa Bell
    Office Coordinator

    Theresa is the Office Manager at Dowell Family Wellness.  She’s an administrative professional, certified Life Coach and Health Coach in training.  She lives in the Atlanta area and enjoys walking, shopping, and taking advantage of the many cultural activities Atlanta offers.  She loves handling the administrative responsibilities and helping to create the positive, friendly atmosphere at Dowell Family Wellness.  Having received excellent chiropractic care herself from Dr. Rick, she decided to join the team to assist and ensure others receive the same great experience and care!

  • Anette Heredia
    Care Advocate

    Anette is the Care Advocate at Dowell Family Wellness. Anette enjoys playing soccer and working with animals in her free time . She is here to welcome you and your family with  a warm hello & smiles. Her favorite thing about our office is our patients! 'Our staff is like a family and we like to make our patients feel the same way warm & welcoming'. She also finds it amazing how Chiropractic gives patients a chance to relieve pain without needing to depend on medications or surgery. 

Adjusting Hours

Our Times To Serve You



9:00 am-12:00 pm

3:30 pm-6:30 pm


By appointment only


9:00 am-12:00 pm

3:30 pm-6:30 pm


3:30 pm-6:30 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

3:30 pm-6:30 pm


10:00 am-12:00 pm



Our Location

3620 Dekalb Technology Parkway | Suite 2016 | Atlanta GA, 30340